

  1. Birthday, iMP, Jamster
  2. MPAA, BBCi, casino
  3. Spammer, BB, supergroups
  4. ITV, Willy, Windows
  5. Spoilers, Discovery, Gervais
  6. Torture, Google, clients
  7. Apple, lottery, fatwa
  8. UKNR2, football, ministers
  9. Downloadwhore, Frosties, idents
  10. Awards, strike, forecast
  11. Guest newsreader Deedeess
  12. Staff, iPhone, Goatse


  1. Nickelback
  2. McIntyre
  3. Express

The story

  1. The UKN story
  2. The UKNR story
  3. The Amarillo story
  4. The Halloween story
  5. The Space story
  6. The Losertown story
  7. The Television story
  8. The Mr Stockselius story

Idiot mix corner

Music News Update News

  1. The That, grudge, Chefs, Allen
  2. New sound special
  3. Sandwich, Big Brother, formula
  4. Plankton, internet leak, awareness
  5. Radiohead, award, rapper
  6. Euro-cow, Shakin' incident, new festival
  7. Recall, Weksmiths, similarity
  8. Economy, imaginary, Allen
  9. Comeback, gig, scandal

How to torrent a BitTorrent

  1. Torrents
  2. Private trackers
  3. Teh Scene

Your life in the stars

  1. February
  2. March


  1. Sine Wave
  2. Ötzi
  3. Hawking
  4. Blobby
  5. Jamrag
  6. Protection
  7. Themes
  8. News24

Abandoned ads

  1. Fragrance
  2. Kitchen
  3. Interweb
  4. Motor
  5. Pontiff
  6. Meat
  7. Detector

Jamrag phone tones

  1. Taste
  2. Witless
  3. Moron
  4. Killed
  5. Return
  6. Turd
  7. Banned
  8. Bump
  9. Grrreat

Plus! a bonus Chirpy Chirpy Sheep Sheep ringtone for your sad little phone, you scum.

Extreme Jam

  1. Teens
  2. Womans
  3. Johnson
  4. Party
  5. Science
  6. Mother
  7. Lunchbox
  8. Jeff
  9. Hygiene
  10. Butter
  11. Spread
  12. Binge
  13. Expletive
  14. Marmalade
  15. Extreme

Gloucester ads

  1. Organloan
  2. E-courtesan
  3. People
  4. Contracts
  5. Beer
  6. Calendar
  7. Terminate
  8. Diet
  9. Dating
  10. Nicorade
  11. Hitlernet
  12. Omnitorrents
  13. Team Prostate
  14. Celebrities
  15. iSnuff

Well now you can!

  1. Clocks
  2. Plates
  3. Hats
  4. Bags
  5. Beds
  6. Brushes
  7. Fire
  8. Lamps
  9. Combs
  10. Pooing
  11. Taps
  12. Presents
  13. Toast
  14. Shoes
  15. Shouting
  16. Drugs
  17. Paper
  18. Spoons
  19. Computers
  20. Knees
  21. Guns
  22. Bicycles
  23. Maps


  1. DJ peppa
  2. Big Lin
  3. Boyzonezone
  4. Numbers
  5. Noturndup
  6. Newlyw3d
  7. Loser

Barry Blunt

  1. Homosexualism
  2. Immigrationers
  3. Environmentals
  4. Politiclycorrects
  5. Paedophilics
  6. Europeland
  7. Aslam


  1. Dog
  2. Pool
  3. Diet
  4. Sex
  5. Grrreat

Older sketches from the RaW and Hacks shows are also occasionally heard.