Return to Losertown: 2nd December 2001

In 2001, the RaW Hacks series invited RaW's old and decrepit ex-DJs back to revive their old shows and monstrous egos. What a mistake!

The first show is lost in the mists of wossname, but thanks to awesome might of Stu P and his C90s of power, we got most of the second Return to Losertown Hacks show recorded, presented here for your delectation and disgust in bite-size chunks.

You can have them either as MP3 or OGG format. OGG sounds a bit better and is quicker to download, but you might not have a player for it. (You can find some free ones at

  1. MP3 OGG hallo! (897KB/751KB)
  2. MP3 OGG another whinge (3MB/2.7MB)
  3. MP3 OGG some adverts (2MB/1.8MB)
  4. MP3 OGG bands we like (3.4MB/3MB)
  5. MP3 OGG RaW receives some bad news (4.6MB/4.1MB)
  6. MP3 OGG in which some Pops are Picked (4.2MB/3.7MB)
  7. MP3 OGG The Agency (5.5MB/4.2MB)
  8. MP3 OGG some egg stabbage (3.3MB/3MB)
  9. MP3 OGG NEWS (990KB/898KB)
  10. MP3 OGG some more adverts (2.8MB/2.5MB)
  11. MP3 OGG good bits out of records (2.6MB/2.2MB)
  12. MP3 OGG yet more adverts (2MB/1.8MB)
  13. MP3 OGG Kikstart: Teej vs. Pat (3.7MB/3.3MB)
  14. MP3 OGG Winnie-The-Pooh (6.9MB/5.4MB)
  15. MP3 OGG another dumb Losertown quiz (7.6MB/6.7MB)
  16. MP3 OGG END (805KB/742KB)