> If QuickTime is not installed it tries to auto-install when I > run my scripts. Does anyone know of a way to test for QuickTime without > having it auto-install if it's not present? It's actually quite tricky completely preventing ActiveX controls from trying to install their software. You should be able to leave the 'codebase="..."' attribute off the <object> to prevent IE from trying to install software. Problem is, IE still tries: it asks microsoft.com where it can get an ActiveX install package for the given classid. Don't know if this actually comes up with a working answer for QuickTime (doubt it, being Apple's baby), but it's annoying that it makes the attempt. (It's possible to stop IE doing this by using a nasty 'dummy codebase' hack. codebase="javascript:" works in IE versions before IE6 Service Pack 1; codebase="view-source:about:blank" works in all IE6 but crashes IE5.) > I'm first checking to see if QuickTime is installed with: > document.writeln(' Set hasQuickTimeChecker = > CreateObject("QuickTimeCheckObject.QuickTimeCheck.1")'); You don't need to use VB - let alone scripts-writing-scripts - to try to create an ActiveX object. JScript can do it with 'new ActiveXObject()'. This still only covers IE though. For a complete script that works with IE and browsers that support the navigator.plugins array, see: http://www.skyzyx.com/scripts/quicktime.php Another possible approach would be to sniff for IE-without-QuickTime only, and output the plain <object> in every other case (since IE is the only browser that treats lack-of-plugin as such a dire emergency it has to pester you with a pop-up on every page). <script type="text/javascript"> var obj= 'QuickTimeCheckObject.QuickTimeCheck'; var qt= true; if (window.ActiveXObject) { qt= false; eval('try{qt= new ActiveXObject(obj)}catch(e){}'); } </script> <p> document </p> <script type="text/javascript"> if (!qt) document.write('\x3C!-'+'-'); </script> <object> your normal object tag here, but don't use a comment in it </object> <!-- --> <p> document continues </p> (And yes, what I'm doing with the comment is indeed evil. But I can justify evil if only IE sees it.)