Peter Bowyer <> wrote: > If you test it then you'll see what's the problem - the {img} is always > added to the end of the textarea. Yes, there is never a caretPos property to read, so the insert-in-text code cannot work. There is another function that usually goes with the piece of code you quoted that reads the caret position/selection and stores it in a 'caretPos' property of the object, which is then read when the text is inserted. This function (storeCaret) is normally bound to click, dblclick, keyup etc. events of the text input so that it gets called whenever the selection changes. This is done because clicking on a link or button defocuses the text field, making it impossible to read the selection. I prefer to re-focus() the element and then read its selection. This gives the somewhat cleaner code: function addText(v) { var el= document.forms['foo'].elements['bar']; var text= '{img or something '+v+'}'; el.focus(); if (document.selection) document.selection.createRange().text= text; else el.value+= text; return false; } call with eg. <a href="#" onclick="return addText('qux')">. (Avoid javascript: links.) > Another question: anyone know of some free javascript functions/scripts > that bring together the IE way shown above and the Mozilla/W3C DOM > compatible methods? Sadly I don't believe it's possible. DOM Level 2 Range does not specify a way of getting hold of a Range object corresponding to the user's selection. Mozilla implements this using the window.getSelection() method, but this doesn't work for form fields (bug 85686, which is unlikely to be fixed before 1.0). Mozilla does also implement 'selectionStart'/'selectionEnd' for input fields - but, infuriatingly, not textareas! ...unless you want to build your own textarea-like object out of DHTML just for Mozilla. not fun...