Python icons for Win32

This is the icon set used by Python® 2.5 for Windows.

You can download the icons for use with earlier releases, from the ‘mini’ package. If you drop py.ico and pyc.ico over the files in your Python folder Windows will pick up the change (probably after the next reboot). Alternatively save them elsewhere and set the icons for .py and .pyc files from ‘Control Panel’ → ‘Folder Options’ → ‘File Types’ → ‘PY’ → ‘Advanced’ → ‘Change Icon’ → ‘Browse’. To use the pycon.ico file for shortcuts to the console, right-click the shortcut icon, choose ‘Properties’ and click ‘Change Icon’ at the bottom of the ‘Shortcut’ tab.

The ‘full’ package also includes extra-large icons for use with Windows Vista (not included in Python for size reasons), along with the source vector graphics (Xara Xtreme/LX format, plus SVG export) and the icons as PNG files.

“Python” and the Python logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Python Software Foundation.


Recommended version 0.4 [final]: mini .zip, full .zip

All versions

0.4 [final] 2006-06-03 mini full
0.3 [dev] 2006-05-19 full
0.2 [dev] 2006-04-14 full
0.1 [dev] 2006-03-20 full